How to get involved

Everyone is invited to join our network and track flights from your available chosen location.

Ready to jump in?

  1. Check out our live network map with the Stations layer on to see if your preferred location is available. You can also see the live (blue) stations in your region to check their weekly $WINGS rewards.

  2. Decide which hardware station would serve you best from Hardware needed, along with the information on any FAQ pages within.

  3. Go through the order process and claim your location using How to claim your station location. Pre-orders are currently open and hardware will be shipped in Q1 2025. As part of the pre-order process your location area will be reserved for 6 months, from purchase date.

  4. There are no special skills or knowledge required. However there will be some set up needed, once your station arrives, which our simple guides will walk you through.

If you’re just curious to learn more, you can:

🔍 Register a free account and explore the dashboard

🗺️ Check out the Wingbits map and see all the aircraft being tracked by our community in real-time

🖖 Join our amazing Discord community where you can ask questions, speak with our team and other community members, and get inspiration for your setup.